Asset Managers

Engage with your wealth manager partners while unlocking access to integrated technology solutions and professional services.

Increase Productivity, Save Costs, and Access Growth Potential

Increase Productivity, Save Costs, and Access Growth Potential

Asset managers benefit from digitally interacting with FLX's audience of wealth management firms through modern, modular, and on-demand solutions that align with their state of business and future goals. Through FLX, asset managers:

Increase Productivity: Focus on areas of expertise and let FLX handle the rest—technology, marketing, distribution support, and more. Additionally, all FLX asset management members enjoy access to industry trends and insights in one centralized location.

Save Costs: Asset managers can decrease costs by over $3 million annually through FLX's full suite of offerings and strategic partnerships, with each business solution offering 5% - 50% discounts on services.

Access Growth Potential: Proprietary technology, strategic partners, and curated resources required to build or enhance an omnichannel approach to wealth management engagement are all available through a single relationship.

See how your company will appear in the Investments and Intelligence Exchanges and learn about asset manager-specific solutions.
